Click here for Players Designations by division
Teams are permitted to register a maximum of 25 players from any registered team in their league/association. The Registration Form for the Championship must be completed and submitted at the prior to the tournament. The form will be returned to the teams representative before their first game, whereupon no further changes will be allowed to the team list, unless you have provided roster room for players arriving at a later date.
A minimum roster size of 12 players must be in attendance at the tournament.
Game rosters may not exceed 22 players, two of which must be dressed goaltenders. If a second goalie is not dressed, an additional runner is not permitted, and the team will not receive injury time to allow another player to dress as a goalie if their only goalie is injured during the game. If two goalies are dressed, and both are injured, injury time, per the NBHAC rule book shall apply. No penalty shall apply if starting lineup differs from first six players listed on game roster.
MASTERS - all players must be born in 1988 or earlier and must be from the same league/city in the same province
ROSTERS – teams composition must be from the same league/city in the same province, except the Coed division
NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP PICK UPS - teams may pick up players from another team but must clearly be stated which team/province/state those pick ups represent *
* teams are NOT permitted to pick up outside of their own region/province/country
Suspended players from league/association play may not participate in the Championship until their suspension has been completed.
Teams are required to have non-playing coach(es) on bench, dressed in proper attire, ie. golf shirt. The team coach or a representative must attend the Coaches/Captains meeting at the beginning of the tournament and submit signed Coaches Code of Conduct agreement.
NOTE: teams will be advised of Coaches/Captains meeting prior to the tournament
Important info
League Info

Year of start: 2012
Phone: 416 545 9044
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