Tie Breaking Procedures
1) Points
2) Record between teams if applicable (if 2 teams are tied) If more than 2 teams are tied then go to step 3
3) Wins
4) Goals percentage (%) for and against (which is goals for divided by the sum of goals for and against) use a many decimal points as needed; i.e.,
Goals for
Goals for + Goals against
5) Goal differential + or -
6) Goals for
7) Goals against
8) Shoot out:
a) Five shooters from each team shoot. The highest overall score from the five shooters wins,
b) If the score is still tied then the remaining players shoot (players 6-22). The players go one to one for sudden death win, (should one team have less players then their opposition both teams will be permitted to start from player one)
c) If the score is still tied, begin again from the player one and continue until everybody has again been used. Continue this one to one procedure until there is a winner in this sudden death shootout.
Although teams may win by more than a 7 goal spread, the official scores will not be recorded with more than a 7 goal difference, ie. 10-0 victory will be recorded 7-0. It should be noted that a 10-1 victory will be recorded get as a 8-1 victory.
Important info
League Info

Year of start: 2012
Phone: 416.545.9044
Events Calendar
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See full calendar for "2025 Bauer CanAmerican Junior Championships"