Equalization Policy | League Peterborough Minor Ball Hockey League - WeAreBallhockey.com


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Equalization Policy

Selected season

While every effort is made to ensure that the teams selected are of relatively equal strength, the League deals with this issue in most divisions every season. As we note on the player registration form: "Once teams have been selected some players may be traded in an attempt to equalize team strength. Team equalization will be done at the discretion of the Division Convenor and head coaches."

What is equalization?  Ideally, we would like all games in every division to be close. We would like every team to have a realistic chance of beating the other teams in its division. If after the season has started it is apparent that one (or more) team is markedly stronger (or weaker), equalization is the process we go through to try to rebalance the teams. Squirt age children usually are more interested in playing with friends, we do not equalize Squirt teams.

Why equalize?  The Peterborough Minor Ball Hockey League is a house league program. For the stronger players who are so inclined, we offer a select program for which an all-star team is chosen to represent the league at the minor provincial ball hockey championships. We hope the kids enjoy their experience and want to return (and look forward to returning) the following season - and the seasons after that. Let's face it, winning and losing games by large margins is no fun for anybody, and one of the League's central tenets is "fun". Player movement between teams is in no way intended to punish anyone. These moves are done for the betterment of the division, so that as many kids as possible enjoy the season.

What is the process?  Prior to the season commencing, each Division Convenor assigns registered players to the teams in that division. After the season starts, he/she keeps tabs on the games and scores. If after the third game it is apparent that there is an imbalance that needs to be corrected, the Convenor will consult with the coaches to determine a plan of action. After an agreed plan of action is settled - which children will be moved -, the parents of the players involved are contacted. The convenors, coaches and the members of the Board are all parents with children in the League, and we fully appreciate that moving kids around can be a difficult and sensitive issue.

When does equalization take place?  As noted above, equalization typically takes place after the third game of the season (i.e., after each team in the division in question has played 3 games).

A caveat  Frankly, selecting teams of equal strength is more art than science. Kids mature at different rates and every season sees the dynamics of a division change as half the kids move up to the next division and an influx of kids from the division below or who are new to the League. Kids with great ice hockey skills are sometimes at a disadvantage because they lack speed and fast kids with limited hockey

Who Can Play  Who can play? It is "A Game Anyone Can Play!" In this day and age when disposable income is at a premium the game of ball hockey is an affordable and fun way to get the kids out to participate and meet people. We encourage groups of individuals to sign up and play our sport with their friends or register as individuals to meet and make new friends.

Important info

Check out our NEW website at 

Season 2019 is coming soon
Tyke, Novice, Atom, Peewee  Registrations are open. 

Our 2018 sponsors were 
K & M Lawncare 
Firehouse Subs
Rebound Skates and Golf
National Sports
Royal LePage, Parkway Realty
(Patricia Sweeting & Tasha LaFave)
Ductwise Duct Cleaning
Boston Pizza
Peterborough Petes
Ricarts Trophies
Personal Touch Banquet Hall
Rhinos Roadhouse (Bewdley)
Jack in the Box (party rentals) 
Arby's Restaraunt
Indian River Reptile Zoo

Player of the game sponsors were 

Firehouse subs had donated "Player of the Game" gift certificates at the new Firehouse Sub restaurant on Lansdowne St by the Parkway,
Check them out, for GREAT subs. 
For a GREAT night out take the family to Firehouse Subs than to a Petes game, maybe even look at seasons tickets. Very cheap cost for great entertainment. 
SWISS CHALET 933 Lansdowne St W had donated "Player of the Game" gift certificates. For a Great dinner go to SWISS CHALET 933 Lansdowne St W.
Rebound Skates and Golf had donated free skate sharpening coupons to get your skates ready for next season, they also carry lots of other sports equipment. They are on Lansdowne beside our sister sponsor Swiss Chalet.
National Sports had donated cards for 10% off your next purchase, so make it a big one. Keep the card and every time you buy something, show your card, they scan the back and 5% goes into our league to help with our banquet, Rep team jerseys,year book, etc.
Boston Pizza had generously donated gift certificates for every player for "Player of the Game"
Peterborough Petes had donated coupons for the gift store.
Arby's Restaraunt had donated coupons for our player of the games.
Indian River Reptile Zoo.  Over 400 reptiles, 100 crocs, 50 dinosaurs and a new 18 hole mini golf course.

Peterborough Examiner posted a great article on Feb 10th thanks to Mike Davies.
The Millbrook Times posted a great article in their paper March 1st on page 12. Thanks to Karen

We have Catherine McGrath as Treasurer. We will all be filling in other areas as well. If anyone would also like to help please sent me an email.
Any questions about how to etranfer just send an email to our pmbhl@yahoo.com c/o Treasurer

PLEASE support our TEAM sponsors, like they support us.

K & M Lawncare, For ALL your lawn care needs and so much more. call 705 -930-LAWN (5296) or 905 429-9398
PRIMERICA   Please check out there web site at www.primerica.com. They will help you with a lot of financial needs.
Mortlock Construction Inc  For your building needs check them out at office@mortlockconstruction.com.
Ductwise Duct Cleaning To keep your home clean and safe check them out at www.ductwise.com
Royal LePage, Parkway Realty, for ALL your real estate needs talk to Patricia Sweeting or Tasha LaFave at parkway@royallepage.ca
Ricarts Trophies . Supplying our community with all our sports apparel and award needs.
Personal Touch Banquet Hall. Book your next event with Kevin and April Sendel,
Rhino's Roadhouse. Come to Bewdley for a lovely breakfast, lunch or dinner and sit on the patio and look out over Rice Lake.
Jack in the Box, Party Rentals. For ALL your party needs stop into Jack in the Box at the corner of Reid St & McDonald Ptbo. 

Lets also support our "Player of the Game" sponsors, 

Firehouse Subs Best subs in town,
East Side Marios Enjoy a great night out for dinner.  
Swiss Chalet, (933 Lansdowne St W) best chicken in town, 
Rebound Skates and Golf, specializing in Quality used sports equipment,
National Sports, carrying all the latest and greatest new sports jerseys and equipment.
Boston Pizza Great food for the whole family at two locations
Peterborough Petes, Enjoy a sports night out at the Petes game
Arby's  Come try their one of a kind roast beef sandwich 
Indian River Reptile Zoo, Over 400 reptiles, 100 crocs, 50 dinosaurs, and man 18 hole mini golf course.
Our email address. its pmbhl@yahoo.com

Remember to use your National Sports card every time you buy something there. They will scan the back and add 5% to our league.

I am also affiliated with the 
Peterborough Women's Ball Hockey Association (PWBHA) and
 Peterborough Men''s Ball Hockey Association (PMBHA) contact Codie McColl at codiemccoll10@hotmail.com

Looking forward to seeing everyone back this season, with a friend.

Guye Vondette

League Info

Peterborough Minor Ball Hockey League

Administered by: Guye Vondette

Year of start: 2017

Phone: 705.768.4893

Link: www.weareballhockey.com

Events Calendar

Feb 11
Feb 12
Feb 13
Feb 14
Feb 15
Feb 16
Feb 17

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